Name & Shame! Parking on Taxi Ranks.

Taxi drivers in Norwich are sick of the limited taxi rank space within the city, taxi numbers are at an all time high & growing but what is not helping is the illegal parking on taxi ranks. In this weeks taxi news for Norwich we will be posting photos of vehicles parked on our ranks & updating this thread each time we receive a new photo. With each new photo maybe it will put pressure on the authorities to do something about it, if possible put the time & date on when taking the photo.

St Stephens taxi rank 2pm 22-4-2011                                 Tombland 8.45pm Easter Sunday

Castle Meadow rank 2.10pm 22-4-2011                            Tombland 8pm Easter Sunday

Monday 25-4-2011 St.Stephens rank                                St Stephens 12.10pm 25-4-2011

St Stephens rank 2pm 25-4-2011                                      Tombland 25-4-2011 taxi rank

St Stephens rank 10.45 am 28-4-2011                          No rank space left! 29-4-2011 Tombland

St Stephens 30-4-2011   5.45pm                                       St Stephens taxi rank 11a.m. 3-5-2011

Tombland taxi rank 8pm 3-5-2011                          If you want to park on a taxi rank become a taxi driver

9 thoughts on “Name & Shame! Parking on Taxi Ranks.”

  1. It’s seems to me that the council needs to address this matter and get more parking attendants to patrol our ranks.

  2. The demise of the taxi marshals and the way in which it was achieved must go down in history as one of the Norwich Hackney Drivers Greatest achievments.It has brought about a togetherness of drivers that has,nt been seen for years.I recently published a newsletter with the intention of getting the drivers back together and joining the NHDA
    Im sure you will agree with me sticking together like we did over the charging of the public to get into our cabs was a nice feeling.
    Boycotting the tombland rank was a great success and shows what can be achieved when we all sing from the same sheet.
    If your not a member of the assn please at least think of joining.
    The newsletter was a success and it was voted that we continued to publish a newsletter on a regular basis If there is any drivers reading this that would like to contribute to the “new bulletin”.please send me an article or a letter and we will publish in next months bulletin.
    At the end of the day it will be your newsletter if you wish to sell something just send me an e mail.We need to make this work it is for everyone of us. long may we stick together. Any suggestions .Ian

  3. Quite agree Ian in your comments, but ‘newsletter’ ? I never saw it & nor did many of my fellow cabbies! Maybe you should make sure the newsletter is distributed throughout the trade to gain maximum exposure.

  4. Sorry you didn’t get a newsletter 200were printed and could have been got from any committee member you have two members on a2b circuit.however already looking into this Dale has asked for next months to be posted on this site.Meanwhileplease feel free to contribute. THE bulletin as it is being called is for all the trade.although it will be a trade newsletter it is for all the drivers and will be our way of banding the drivers together .

  5. Great points raised as always. Great content and excellent content as always. I’m Tweeting about this now!

  6. Dover Taxi
    We have the same problem and are fed up with it, we have ameeting with the Council this afternoon to try and do something….don’t hold much hope!

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